Over the next few months, we’ll be spotlighting features from our e-zines from the last 25 years. T M H Entertainment, T M Hxone and Urban Bridgez.
As the longest running website for R&B online, since 1999 – We’ve been able to conduct some amazing interviews with R&B Royalty, as well Hip Hop Legends.
UB has also been blessed to speak with some of black cultures, biggest icons, in film, television and literature.
Reality TV has been the new sitcom for many years now, with the forever changing landscape of television and entertainment.
Over the years, some of our favorite R&B singers; Shanice, Coko, Kandi, Olivia, Keke Wyatt, K. Michelle and rapper YoYo spoke to UB, after filming their first seasons of reality TV.
In this ReVisit, we go back and see what was on the minds of these talented ladies, as they entered in a new world, they’re all known for conquering now.
Olivia (2010)| Love & Hip Hop: New York
UrbanBridgez.com: I hear you have a VH1 show coming soon, tell me about that?
Olivia: Yes I do! It actually hasn’t been named yet, so there is a working title they have going on they’re calling ‘Married to Hip-Hop.’ That’s most likely not going to be the title, so don’t worry about that (laughs). I’m really excited about it, it’s about me and my girlfriends. You’ll see a little of the music, but that’s not what I want to give you. I want everybody to feel like they know me. I felt like I wasn’t open to the public before you know. Being with the Unit I felt like I was just so inaccessible, I just want the world to get to know me. Because I feel like they don’t know who the real Olivia is. So yeah it’s going to be about my life, personal, musically, naturally the stuff I do on a day to day basis with my friends and family. Just different adventures!
Kandi (2009) | The Real Housewives of Atlanta
UrbanBridgez.com: You’re entering the reality TV world soon, what made you wanna sign on for “The Real Housewives of Atlanta?”
Kandi: Well initially I was suppose to be doing that show with Tiny and Toya. It was supposed to be me, Tiny, Toya and another young lady by the name of Joy. So basically I was already in the mindstate of doing a reality show. So I guess the producer of the show, just wanted it to be Tiny and Toya or whatever. So I was like alright, but of course after you sit there and I think we were working on it for like a month. We’re all excited about doing this reality show together and then it fell apart, well on my end. Then the following week, the people from the “Housewives” reached out to me to set up a meeting. And I just thought it was crazy, like maybe it was meant to be.UrbanBridgez.com: Exactly!
Kandi: You know what I mean, so it wasn’t a thing where I searched out the “Housewives” people. One of my friends I think it was Derek J, when they were asking around who they thought would be a good fit. He was one of the hair people on the show. The producers were asking who should we talk to and I think he suggested my name. They said some other people suggested my name also, even though they didn’t tell me who it was. But yeah Derek J was like they need someone on the show who is successful in their own right. But I was like, I’m not even married yet. I didn’t think they would even want me (laughs). So when he asked me and was like I’m going to tell them to call you. I was like I don’t know about that one. Plus I was doing the thing with Tiny, but that fell apart and the next week the “Housewives” people called. I was like well maybe it was meant for me to be on a reality show. I’m scared because we don’t get to see how they edit it, we don’t see it until everybody else does.UrbanBridgez.com: Oh wow, I didn’t know that.
Kandi: See, exactly! So I’m scared (laughs). I’m like how are they gonna have me look, I don’t want them making me look crazy (laughs). But it should be fun, it’s gonna be a great season because alot of stuff went on during the taping.
Kandi | 2010
UrbanBridgez.com: Last time we spoke you mentioned being worried about the editing when RHOA aired, Now that you’ve seen the season, do you feel you were portrayed right?
Kandi: Yeah definitely, I’m very very happy of how everything turned out. I was scared at first, but to me it turned out pretty good. Even the drama I did have with like my family and stuff like that, it was real. So I think people can relate to it, you know.UrbanBridgez.com: Do you feel you learned anything about yourself, after watching yourself on TV every week?
Kandi: Yeah I learned I talk through my teeth alot, which I’m going to work on (laughs). I was like man, why don’t I open my mouth. Those words were not clear, what are you doing (laughs).UrbanBridgez.com: What’s the best part about being a reality show star?
Kandi: The best part about doing the show, is I have people all around the world who may not have known about my music before. That are now aware of Kandi and my music and everything that I’ve done. People know my first and last name, you know what I mean. Before I use to feel like people were like yeah that’s Kandi from Xscape, or that girl from Xscape. Now like the other day I was walking through the airport, and this dude was like that’s Kandi Burruss! I was like man he knows my government name (laughs). He knew first and last name, I mean it was hilarious to me. Then there is no set group of people, it’s all age groups, all races, men and women. It’s not a set list of people anymore, like before I kind of knew this is my audience. Now it’s everybody and I really appreciate the show for allowing me to use them as a platform. Basically to show everything that I can do.Kandi | Late 2010
UrbanBridgez.com: After watching the recent episode of the “Housewives” I have a greater appreciation for you. This is because you were recording a heartfelt song to your former fiancée. How hard was it for you to record “Haven’t Loved Right” while unleashing so many penned up emotions?
Kandi: It was hard because you have the camera right there in your face. I was already nervous because I wanted the song to turn out right. Mind you I re-recorded the song twice to get it perfect. I wrote that song prior to AJ’s passing and I wrote it right after we broke up I believe. It was mostly about how things weren’t coming together for me on the relationship front after we broke up. Being after he passed away I even more so felt that way. Now when I first wrote the song I wasn’t writing it for me but after he passed away it was the best song to describe how I felt so I decided to keep it for myself.UrbanBridgez.com: So it has a sentimental value?
Kandi: Yeah. You know, as a writer I just be writing songs. Sometimes I don’t necessarily know when I first write that it’s going to be for my album. I just write it because I love writing songs.UrbanBridgez.com: What’s something we who watched AJ on RHOA wouldn’t know about him that you would like people to know?
Kandi: I feel like AJ was a really cool dude. He had alot of personality and I don’t think people really got to see that on the show. People was like well he didn’t really talk much, but that was because he didn’t really like the cameras around him sometimes. He was that guy that knew everybody, got a million friends, you know he comes up in the club and he knows everybody and they all know him. He just really had a great personality!
Shanice (2013) | Flex & Shanice
UrbanBridgez.com: You seem to have so much going on right now, tell fans what they can expect from the Shanice brand in the coming months?
Shanice: I’m really excited because I’ve been wanting Flex and I to do a show together for the last 6 or 7 years. He wasn’t ready and didn’t want to. Now he’s excited because we shot a sizzle real for a reality show for us. We have a network that’s interested, but I can’t really speak on that as of yet. Until we sign on the dotted line (laughs). So it’s too soon to say the network, but it’s looking really good and we have a good network that’s going to back us up. We’re excited!UrbanBridgez.com: What type of reality show do you guys plan to do, family oriented?
Shanice: I don’t want to give up too much information, but it is a family show. So you’ll see my kids, me working on my stuff as well as Flex working on his stuff. Different projects and television shows he’s been creating. You’ll see the family as a whole. There’s a lot I want to share but I don’t because I want people to be surprised when they see it. It’s pretty funny, because we’re not sugar coating anything. It’s going to make you tear up and it’s going to make you laugh. My house is funny, like everybody in my house keeps me laughing.UrbanBridgez.com: Were you asked to be apart of R&B Divas L.A.?
Shanice: Yeah I was. I sat down with the producers, one is a good friend of mine Phil Thorton. I’ve known him since Arista when I was on LaFace Records. He mentioned that he wanted me to be apart of the show, but there are other people involved. There’s a network, other producers, etc. I don’t know, but I didn’t make the cut. It’s actually a blessing because now I have my own show on the table. I still support it, I TiVo it so I watch every week. It’s no hard feelings or anything, everything happened the way it was suppose to. I’m actually more excited about my situation I’m in now.UrbanBridgez.com: Being a reality show buff, what do you think about R&B Divas Atlanta and L.A.? I know you’re going to be nice because you’re Shanice (both laugh). But I still wanted to get your feedback on everything, like the drama.
Shanice: Well I think it’s an amazing show. I know all of the women on both cast, except Claudette, I’ve never met her. I think the shows are very good and entertaining. It definitely makes you want to see what’s going to happen on the next episode (laughs). There is a lot of drama, more than I expected. That’s why I’m kind of glad I’m not on the show because I am very, very nice. But I’m not going to let anybody bully me! So I would hate for the world to see that other side that I do have balled up inside of me. I wouldn’t want that other side to come out.UrbanBridgez.com: What’s your favorite reality show?
Shanice: Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta with Stevie J. I will not miss an episode! I would pop me some popcorn and sit in front of the TV and have a LAHH night very week. I love the Kardashians. Kim and I use to be really good friends. We were golf buddies and took golf lessons together. And I love Basketball Wives and the other day I was watching this show on TLC called the Little People. Me and my daughter were watching that show. I love extreme home edition shows also, where they give your home a make-over. So me and my husband and kids watch those shows at least once a week. I like my kids to watch those shows, so they can appreciate what they have.
Shanice & Flex (2014)
UrbanBridgez.com: Congratulations once again on the show, I was so excited when I got the trailer I texted you Shanice. I’m so happy and so proud of you guys!
Shanice & Flex Alexander: Thank you!Shanice: Thank you very much! I’ve been asking Flex to do this for years and now is the time. So I’m very excited.
UrbanBridgez.com: That leads into my next question actually, what made you two decide to do the reality show now? Like you mentioned Shanice you have been talking about it for awhile. What made this the right time and what made OWN the right network?
Flex Alexander: There is a story to tell and we thought now was the time. So to tell a story of what we’ve gone through, the ups and downs to let people know we’re human. And we endure the same things as they do as well and they can get through it. On OWN being the right network, they just do everything with class. Oprah is about class and upliftment and spirituality. Peace and love and all of those things are abundant up in the show.Shanice: Exactly!
UrbanBridgez.com: With it being the right time, were you two ever hesitant about being so honest about your life and finances?
Flex Alexander: I think once we decided to do it, it was no hesitancy. We were just like let’s tell our story. And again that was a period of time. We’re not where we completely want to be but we’re definitely not where we sue to be. So it’s better and again this is the right time and if we’re going to do it, no need to be hesitant. We just said let’s go ahead and tell it, so we can be in control of telling our story.Shanice: Yeah and we know that there are other people out there going through that exact same thing. Who may be embarrassed to talk about it, that maybe through our story we can inspire others to not be ashamed and keep trying.
UrbanBridgez.com: So in a nutshell tell us what we can expect when we tune in Saturday, May 31st at 10 p.m. ET/PT on OWN?
Shanice: Lots of tears, lots of laughter.Flex Alexander: Inspiration and love.
Shanice: There’s 9 of us living under the same roof, so you can imagine there is a lot going on (laughs).
Flex Alexander: Oh yeah, there is a lot going on (laughs).
Shanice: We got my kids, we got my mom, my step-dad, my uncle, Flex’s cousin Ed, my cousin Ruba and our dogs.
UrbanBridgez.com: And the dogs (laughs).
Flex Alexander: Yeah it’s a lot (laughs).Shanice: So we’re going to take you on an emotional roller coaster ride. But hopefully it will be inspiring.
Flex Alexander: And the whole family can sit down and watch it together.
Shanice & Flex (2015)
UrbanBridgez.com: Have you guys gotten used to being reality stars yet?
Flex Alexander: I don’t like the term reality star. We consider ourselves a docu-series, it’s just really our life. I don’t know, I just never dug the term reality star. It’s like how can you star on something that’s real? [all laugh] It’s just odd to me, but as for everything we’re enjoying it and thankful for it. So many people come up to us and say, that they’re so glad to see it and are inspired by it. That inspires us to keep pushing. So that’s really good and to just be able to tell our story.Shanice: I love it, I’m having so much fun! With the public and the reaction we’ve been getting, like Flex mentioned. Some people have come up to us and said your show really helped me. I’m going through the same thing and lost everything, I feel like there’s hope. And that’s what it’s all about. It’s been all positive actually, it’s just been a great experience. the kids love it, of course Uncle Spirit. I get a lot of tweets about my Uncle Spirit [laughs]. About meditation and keeping your peace, so I’m glad his message is getting out there. It’s funny because seeing us on TV…on a daily basis I don’t see how I am as a person or whatever. But sitting back watching myself, it’s like wow I didn’t realize that I do certain things. Like for instance I didn’t realize that every time that I have some exciting news to tell, that I dance [both laugh]. If you notice, that through out the series that I dance every time I have something really good to say. And I didn’t know that until I sat back and watched the series. So it’s all a really good experience and not to mention being apart of the Oprah Winfrey Network. It’s still unreal to me and l know I’ve told you before that I had a vision board and I had her name on it. I had a check on it, that said reality show. It all still feels like a dream. I can’t believe all these wonderful things are happening now. I spoke it and here we are.
Coko (2013) | SWV Reunited
UrbanBridgez.com News hit recently of an SWV reality show coming to WE tv and fans like me are ecstatic! What do you guys want SWV fans to get out of watching the first season?
Coko: Thank you and what you’re gonna get or will get, because we’re done filming. You know us as SWV the music, but I don’t think you guys know our individual personalities. You think you know us, but you don’t really know us. Like most people would consider me to be a bitch and whatever! But you really get to see like who we are. How we operate in our everyday life with our family. Our family and how we come together within the group. You get to learn about our break-up. You have three different stories, so you guys can believe whatever story you want (both laugh). It’s three different versions about the same story (laughs). So you get to hear about that. You see us fight, but we’re passionate about each other and we love each other. We’re just rebuilding our friendship. In this show, we go to therapy. Two of us have plastic surgery.UrbanBridgez.com Say Waaaa (both laugh)!
Coko: So you get to see all of that on the show! Some things that deal with health issues, you just get to see that we’re human. We go through things and a lot of the stuff that the bloggers say, it really effects us. You’ll see that we have a lot of fun and we’re crazy. You get to see all of that; it’s going to be a great show! Those that love us, once you see it..you’re going to love us even more!UrbanBridgez.com Do you have an air-date yet?
Coko: You know, the time keeps changing. I heard it was in the fall or the beginning of the new year. So right now, I’m just hearing the fall. So I don’t know yet.UrbanBridgez.com I know that you happen to love various reality shows, what are a few of your favorites and why?
Coko: Right now, I am really enjoying R&B Divas L.A. That is one of my favorites. I was actually going to do it but the SWV show came up. So I went with my sisters. But Mo (Lil Mo) is my homey, that’s my girl! I’m looking forward to doing some work with her. But she is holding it down! I love it and I love R&B Divas L.A. because them heffas can sing! You know and I love good vocals. So that’s kind of my favorite show. Now you know I got to get ratchet (laughs). I love Bad Girls Club (laughs). That’s my show, I’m sorry but that’s a guilty pleasure of mine. Big Brother, of course Love & Hip Hop Atlanta. I think I watch shows that people would probably be like huh? I watch some of everything, I’m just a reality show lover.
K. Michelle (2012) | Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta
UrbanBridgez.com: Alright let’s get into it! Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, first off what made you want to even be apart of this show?
K. Michelle: I like how it’s set up and how it trails to stories of women. I thought it was something good for me because I do have a story. It was an opportunity for me to really tell my story to people.UrbanBridgez.com: What’s the 411 on the beef with Karlie, what does it really stem from and can you see you two calling a truce in the near future?
K. Michelle: Well there’s really no beef with Karlie, she has no receipts. And it doesn’t make sense to fight with someone who can’t help you! So there really isn’t any beef, I should just take that up with her parents.UrbanBridgez.com: What’s the hardest part about filming?
K. Michelle: The hardest part about filming is getting your hair done…everyday! But it’s paying off because people seem to like my hair.UrbanBridgez.com: Alot of people have been saying the show is scripted, Mona Scott recently shut those rumors down, but what do you have to say to those who think you guys are acting oppose to just living?
K. Michelle: Well if we were acting and I was an actress, I would be asking for some more money. With acting you get more money. It’s not a scripted show, people go through what they go through. People are going to say anything, specially when it’s about reality. So it had to be something that they found and stuck with.UrbanBridgez.com: What would you like for people to get from this show when they watch, more importantly when your fans tune in to see K?
K. Michelle: I just want them to know me, you know what I’m saying. They’re not going to get to see alot of me because it’s not just my show. But you do get to see alot more than what you saw before. So I just want them to know the music I sing and who I am is very genuine and it is who I am.
YoYo (2019) | Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood
UrbanBridgez.com: What made you want to join the cast of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood?
YoYo: It’s an attempt to dive in. Dive into anything that is happening in today’s times. I consider it a great opportunity, to dive in and be a voice.UrbanBridgez.com: What do you think fans will learn about you from watching this season?
YoYo: Well I finally get a chance to show my authentic self. I think the road I’ve peaked along my journey is something to be seen. So I’m happy to present, a woman who has been in this industry for 30 years. All of my mistakes, all of my influences, relationships to everything that I’ve learned. From my regrets, are all exposed. My parenting and motherhood. Which is hard for a woman in this industry. So just to be real, makes me excited for the platform.UrbanBridgez.com: What’s been the biggest challenge for you filming reality TV?
YoYo: I think the biggest challenge for me, is introducing my family. I mean it’s not always easy. I see myself as one way. I’ve been this way since I was 17. So to include my family and my mom. To be be reintroduced to a generation, where some don’t know who I am or what I stand for. I think it’s still exciting as a whole.
Keke Wyatt (2011) | R&B Divas: Atlanta
UrbanBridgez.com: I’ve been hearing about this reality show with some other female artists, can you tell us about that?
Keke Wyatt: Yeah, we’re looking to get that up and running later this year. I think it’s going to be good. It’s just going to be basically showing us as mothers, singers, divas whatever you want to call it on stage. Just to show we’re just like everybody else. We go grocery shopping and our babies try to pee pee on us while we’re trying to pay the cashier. I don’t really want to drop names yet on who will be on it until everybody’s contract is signed.