The UB Interview: Miasha Coleman + Kelvin Hair Talk ‘Secret Society 2: Never Enough’

Our post for the trailer of “Secret Society 2: Never Enough” has been Trending since the film was released this past Friday. Currently the #2 most viewed post on UB.
Fans online have been sharing their love of the sequel to last years release “Secret Society,” raving on everything from the fashions, character development, Blac Chyna, to the story of the films, originally books by Miasha Coleman.
In celebration of the films release, UB spoke with writer Miasha Coleman and cast member Kelvin Hair about the sequel of “Secret Society.”
The films stars Vivica A Fox, Reyna Love, Jeremy Meeks, Erica Pinkett, Trina, Adejah Parrish, Kelvin Hair, Vincent De Paul, Tyler Hopkins and Johnell Young.
Blac Chyna and Bobby Lytes, make their acting debuts!
From gold-digger to being thrown under, Celess (Reyna Love) is making her rounds to prove her loyalty to the game with new-found bestie Si Si (Adejah Parrish).
It’s not a matter of if your past will catch up to you, it’s when!
Celess is back outside! With a newfound hunger and a bestie, Si Si, to eat with she wastes no time filling her plate. She and Si Si climb the ranks of young Hollywood and are on the brink of making it big but that’s when they learn the ‘bigger you are the harder you fall‘ – especially when your past is tugging at your stilettos.
A west Philadelphia native, Miasha Coleman had ambitions of being a writer at the early age of nine after her dad secretly submitted one of her poems to the Daily News and it was published. With the newfound confidence she received from seeing her name in print, she wrote constantly from poetry to plays to scripts.
Miasha wrote her first novel straight out of college. It caught the attention of urban lit giant Teri Woods, who wanted to buy it outright and sign Miasha to a 5 book deal. Miasha sought out advice from Karen, making sure to note the deal she was offered and was introduced to Liza Dawson who became Miasha‘s agent facilitating the auction that landed Miasha her historic book deal not usually given to first time authors.
Simon and Schuster designated June “Miasha Month” during which no other urban lit author could release a book. Miasha has set precedence in a lot of the things she’s done creatively and business-wise alike and she’s braced to do it again in film and television.
Kelvin Hair attended Florida A&M University while modeling and working on his real estate license. Years later he feel regret for never following his original career path in acting. Kelvin went on a Tom Joyner cruise and had the opportunity to audition for Tyler Perry. Over hundreds auditioned he made the top 10.
He’s been featured in “Black Lightning,” “Tyler Perry’s Sistas” and a regular on “Tyler Perry’s Ruthless.”
Miasha Coleman and Kelvin Hair spoke with Aries about why they feel people should stream “Secret Society 2” now on Prime Video.
Plus they speak on casting and what it was like working with the cast for the sequel.
Miasha also shares how she got her start in the industry and her future goals!