UB Spotlight: ‘Tyler Perry’s Zatima’ Returns Thursday on BET+
Two New Episodes Weekly, Starting this Thursday August 24th.

The relationship of Zac and Fatima has been a whirlwind from the start, this week season two of “Tyler Perry’s Zatima” continues on BET+ starting Thursday, August 24th.
Picking up where they left off, the couple opens in a heated argument that leads to decisions and actions that could tear the couple apart forever.
This season is about fighting for love and knowing when it’s time to stop fighting; while learning from the past and understanding how it effects the present.
All of the questions viewers have had throughout the season, will be answered. Zac continues on his path of destruction, until he finally realizes the true cause of his pain and how he has played a role in it.
After screening the full season, we just want to go on record as saying Devale Ellis, deserves his flowers! Actors are often playing roles for pure entertainment, while at other times their characters depth is extremely educating.
Black men have a lot of baggage and the emotional portion, is often the one most overlooked. Zac‘s realization of his own demons throughout this season; leads him to an appreciation for therapy, that will help others in the long run.
Fatima is at a crossroad, as she decides to move forward with Zac, or let him go. At times he makes the decision very easy, while at others she still sees the man she fell in love with.
Crystal Hayslett isn’t just an amazing actress, but many don’t know a singer first. Crystal appeared on Atlanta’s V-103 in March of this year and sang a snippet of Alicia Key’s “Fallin.'”
Fans can rejoice, Fatima is giving an astonishing performance of the hit single premiering on this weeks episode. Fatima isn’t the only one taking center stage this season!
Fatima‘s step-dad Henry (Tony D. Head), finds himself as the voice of reason, the veteran actor brings the knowledge, comedy and real, which leads to a breakthrough for Fatima and Zac.
Angela (Nzinga Imani) continues to be that true ride or die friend for Fatima, that we all need. Angela‘s character development throughout this season has been a pleasure to watch. Viewers will finally understand how good of a friend she is and why she’s now team Zac.
Tony (Guyviaud Joseph) and Nathan (Cameron Fuller) stand by Zac through it all, but Nathan once again causes Zac to question their friendship.
Bryce (Remington Hoffman) is ready to take the firm to a new level, but unintentionally does something that could hinder him and Zac‘s future.
Belinda (Danielle LaRoach) returns bringing the drama and mess only she could. This time she incorporates herself back in the lives of Fatima and Zac.
It’s really good seeing Laila Odom shine as Connie. Many viewers see her as a wanna-be side chick, but will learn over it all, she’s family first!
The entertaining Deja, played by Jasmin Brown continues to cause ruckus whenever she enters a scene.
An unexpected “Tyler Perry’s Sistas” character, causes destruction late in the season. All leading to a surprise season finale ending, nobody sees coming!
Tyler Perry + Jasmin Brown Series Trailer ‘Caught Up’ | Premiering August 24th on BET+
UB First Look: ‘Tyler Perry’s Zatima’ Season 2B | August 24th on BET+