“So Dumb It’s Criminal Hosted by Snoop Dogg” is Peacock‘s new original unscripted, from LOL Studios and Snoopadelic Films, premiering Wednesday, April 20th. Hosted by Snoop Dogg, the series invites some of today’s comedy-greats to roast the world’s dumbest criminals using a compilation of crime clips and surveillance videos.
From botched robberies and car chases to failed getaway attempts and even some schemes that are so ridiculous that they border on unbelievable, each 30-minute episode will prove that the worst criminals make for the best jokes. All eight episodes of this hilarious and satirical series will be available on premiere day.
The series includes a star-studded group of comedians including Affion Crockett, Deon Cole, Deray Davis (‘Snowfall’), Diallo Riddl, Godfrey, Jay Pharoah, Jim Jefferies, Lewis Belt, Loni Love, Moshe Kasher, Ron Funches and Russell Peters. Tacarra Williams will also appear as a series regular.
Check out The New Trailer!