Exclusive: Mindless Behavior ‘UB Interview’

Mindless Behavior is a dynamic group of young men armed with limitless talent, drive, energy and a fearless passion for music and performing. Barely into their teens, has the quartet’s energetic fusion of pop, hip hop, and R&B quite simply had the potential to transform the entire musical landscape as we know it.
Comprised of four spirited 13 year old boys – Prodigy, Roc Royal, Ray Ray and Princeton – Mindless Behavior employs an insane sleek and futuristic fashion style, epic dance moves, and global-ready pop songs. Their sound resonates with lush harmonies and messages that speak to listeners of all ages.
Recently Mindless Behavior spoke with Aries from UrbanBridgez.com about how they got together, their up-coming debut album, touring with Justin Bieber, their favorite types of girls, goals & more!
UrbanBridgez.com: When people press play on ‘# 1 Girl’ what kind of album will they hear?
Mindless Behavior (Roc Royal): They’ll hear Ms Right, My Girl, Future, 1st Crush and alot more great songs. We’re talking about girls and all the songs are ones kids can relate to.
UrbanBridgez.com: Who are some of the people you guys worked with for the album?
Mindless Behavior (Ray Ray): Mainly we worked with the head of our production company Walter Millsap. We also worked with Boy Wonder, Polo Da Don & a few others.
UrbanBridgez.com: How did you guys get together as a group?
Mindless Behavior (Princeton): Two years ago almost Walter brought the idea to Vincent Herbert about forming a kids group. After that part of our management team Keisha Gamble & Walter held auditions with about 500 kids. That’s where me and Roc met & we made the group. Then a few months later our choreographer David Scott saw Prodigy on YouTube & we had him audition, then after that Ray Ray auditioned at midnight, and soon after Walter and our songwriter Kenneth Nelson started to develop the sound for our music. And then they took us to Interscope Records and they signed us to Streamline Records and now we’re here!
UrbanBridgez.com: What kind of show can your fans expect when they come see you guys out with Justin Bieber?
Mindless Behavior (Ray Ray): We’re going to have alot of energy, alot of dancing, us interacting with the fans and us having fun on stage.
UrbanBridgez.com: Rock Royal what does a girl have to do or represent in order to get your attention?
Mindless Behavior (Roc Royal): She has to be herself and she cant be afraid to be different!
UrbanBridgez.com: Prodigy whats your favorite place to go with a special girl?
Mindless Behavior (Prodigy): I think Disneyland would be a great place to take her (all laugh)!
UrbanBridgez.com: Ray Ray who are your top three crushes in the industry?
Mindless Behavior (Ray Ray): First Willow Smith, Rihanna and third I would have to say Kristen Stewart from Twilight. I’m a big Twilight fan!
UrbanBridgez.com: Princeton if you could sing any song to your favorite girl in the world, what song and why would you sing that one?
Mindless Behavior (Princeton): I would have to sing ‘My Girl’ to her because that’s our song (everybody laughs).
UrbanBridgez.com: What are you guys long-term goals for the business as far as movies and things like that?
Mindless Behavior (Ray Ray): Definitely staying together and winning awards like Grammys, BET Awards, VMA’s and acting in movies and TV shows. Hopefully having our own TV show one day, just taking over the world!
UrbanBridgez.com: You guys mentioned staying together, with so many groups who don’t last, what do you think will keep you guys together?
Mindless Behavior (Ray Ray): I think our love for each other and work ethic and we’re equals. We all have things in common, I think that’s what’s going to keep us together. We all love each other don’t we?
Mindless Behavior (Princeton, Prodigy & Roc Royal): Yeah!
Everybody: Awww (laughs)
UrbanBridgez.com: Any last words for your fans?
Mindless Behavior (Ray Ray): Yeah we actually want to tell all the Mindless fans what Mindless means…
Mindless Behavior (Roc Royal): Mindless Behavior is a lifestyle and gives us the freedom to express ourselves through our music, art, and fashion. It’s a movement that anyone can be apart of.
Mindless Behavior (Prodigy): And if you’re confident, you’re mindless!
Mindless Behavior (Princeton): If you like having fun in life, then you’re mindless!
ATLANTA FANS: Catch The Guys TONIGHT @ Philips Arena with Justin Bieber!
Exclusive: Mindless Behavior ‘UB Interview’ http://bit.ly/dYgjAA @MINDLESSBHAVIOR
Wow ray-ray! Willow? Really?!? Lmao! You’d be a good couple. lol, and i hope u do “take over the world” one day lmaaooo!
1-4-3 ray ray!!! <3 <3 <3
i love mb 1_4_3 princeton
Ray Ray—pretty boy/goofy and funny
Princeton—afro punk (no offence)/nerd
Roc Royal—cutie pie/funny/out going
hey hey loove ray ray
my order would go princeton,roc royal,prodigy and ray ray
mindless behavior rocks and all you haters out dere hating dont hate em cause u aint em thats my opinion so i dont know bout yall but im a huge fan of mindless behavior
omg they look like 4 asshole
Uhhh??? Willow Smith??? I’m shocked ecspecially since SHE’S 10!!! That’s like an 12 year old with a 16 year old. Well I <3 ray ray forever!!!
excuse me brianna wightman they have no time for haters and people comin at their neck
u guys seem so awesome big fan, but after everything ive read about ur fanz i think im your second biggest fan. lol keep doin what you do it’ll get u far in life. I love you guys =) =p.
u guyz r reelie cool for not tryina to be ur self around other ppl so i admire u for that
just wanna say wish da bes for yaw louee yaw 1-4-3 ;)
U only admiring prodigy and ray ray
I luv u princeton
they like omg girlz
I love mindless behavior specially roc royal i love mb y’all hallaaaaaa what’s up they hit me all the time even when we dont speak yeah my boy’s in love i think im in love i wonder who he txtin now mb y’all
Hey mindless behavior I am a huge fan and I love you guys your the best group of singers I know
Princeton is too cute with his shirt off
ray and prince cute in the pic they take everyday I like ray now and prince they soooooooooooooo cute
look at prince and ray and the others they in the white and black and red and black
cool and cutie
I love mb yall and some they songs
good bye
you need to back away from Princeton and ray ray and the other omg girlz
good night mb yall love yall
I have sex with Princeton
im 10 year old I have sex with mb and they get me 3 baby from them sex ass
goodmorning yall