For Black Music Month, actress/singer Tasha Scott speaks to Aries from UrbanBridgez about her acting career, her debut album release next year, “South Central,” being signed to Ray J’s label and much more! How did you get your start in acting?
Tasha Scott: Whew, man I moved to Los Angeles they told me I needed an agent. I didn’t really know what an agent was. Until they were like TV, commercials, selling things. I was like okay, what happened to like “Solid Gold” & “Soul Train” (laughs). They was like that’s how you get on TV, so I was like okay! So I got an agent and that’s how I got my little acting thing started. To me then it was like a hobby, I was like I’m a singer! I’ll do this on the side if y’all say I need to do this. I still have every episode of “South Central” on VHS. I was personally upset when it was canceled. It was a great show and cast. You and Lorenz Tate really had great chemistry as brother and sister. I think the show was before its time. Why do you personally feel the show was canceled?
Tasha Scott: You know what I think, I think “South Central” was just yeah way ahead of its time. We kind of hurt ourselves, because I think we were kinda shy about showing the realness of how we are here in South Central. To me from what I could see when I moved here, I was like wow this is how they live here in South Central? But I said hey, that’s how I lived back in Kentucky (laughs). You know so it’s real, know what I’m saying. So I think we were kind of afraid to show what we were really like. It was all good though, I think it was ahead of its time and I don’t think the Network was really ready for that. Now I think a Network would be ready today. Out of all of your roles, what was your favorite character to play?
Tasha Scott: My favorite role was on “South Central.” It was because I got to be real! I got to be myself and everybody always asks me, were you really acting or was that you? I’m going to honestly and say, that was really me! I grew up with 4 brothers I was the only girl. Everybody always depended on Tasha to do it. Tasha this, Tasha that, but that was okay. The reason me and Lorenz’s chemistry worked so well together, because me Lorenz and all his brothers we all went to School together. So it wasn’t like us really acting, we did that in School and we did that in the neighborhood. So when I went in for the audition and I seen him, we just started laughing. The producers was like what’s going on? So they just let us do our thing and they was like oh my God, look at their chemistry (laughs). You did an amazing job in The Wiz (touring play) along with Grace Jones, Peabo Bryson, Cece Peniston & Tony Terry. What’s your favorite memory of being on the road with that production?
Tasha Scott: Wow, my favorite memory was just being with everybody! Grace Jones, Peabo Bryson, Cece Peniston, Howard Hewett, it was just absolutely amazing. That was actually my first big stage play. I had never really done theater. I was just like wow this is different from sitcoms, where we can go and cut. With stage, you have to keep going. If you mess up, miss a line, if someone has like a minute of silence (laughs). So I was really, really nervous going into that. We rehearsed in New York for like two weeks and then we went out. I was like wow two weeks of rehearsal, this is a stage play don’t we need like months of rehearsal? But I loved traveling from city to city, all the interviews and press. And just knowing they absolutely loved me. Knowing I actually did something that Diana Ross did, Stephanie Mills and they loved me in this. This wasn’t a sitcom (laughs). It was wonderful, I would love that opportunity again, I really need to do that again and have it run longer. When did you first realize you could sing?
Tasha Scott: Whew! When I was 4. I was in Church of course, you know everybody starts out in Church. I was listening to someone sing and she was hitting these high C’s and I was like wow I wanna do that. So when I would go home, I would sit in the mirror and play Church! (sings “Good’s got a feeling”) You know, hit them notes and stuff and my mom would listen and be like who’s in there hitting them high C’s? My brothers would be that’s just Tasha. So she was like come here girl and let me hear you sing. So she realized I could sing, but I was shy, I was so shy. So I didn’t really break out until I was like 8 years old. I tried out for a talent show and they told me that I couldn’t! And my mom was like oh no, y’all gonna let my baby sing. She said she wants to sing and I’ve been waiting on this (laughs). So that’s when I went like professional with it in Kentucky and I just went from there. What have you been up to since we last saw you on TV?
Tasha Scott: I just been relaxing and enjoying life, enjoying my family. Trying to work on this whole management thing. My kids are always saying they want to follow in my footsteps. So they want me to help them and I had to ask them, are you guys really sure you want to do this? So I decided to help my kids out. Right now my 11 year old, she is about to go on the national tour for The Lion King. We’re going to be gone for about six months. So that’s what I been doing, working with them. I been doing a little recording here and there. Laying low, until I’m just ready to say, let me just jump back out there. I took a little break because the game has kinda changed, you know what I’m saying. I’m what you call a true R&B singer! I don’t really feel that true R&B soulful R&B is out there right now. Right now I’m waiting on my Jennifer Hudson’s and my Fantasia’s to come and really get back out there. Alot of us are saying, if R&B is back, can we come back out now (laughs). Funny you say that, because that is our main focus this year on the site with Black Music Month. Just real R&B from then to now.
Tasha Scott: Absolutely! Don’t get me wrong, I love what’s out there right now. I’m not knocking it, I like to dance, I like to get down and all of that & it’s cool. I feel like this, there is a place for everybody. There is a season for everybody, that’s always good. Change is always good. I look at it like this, the world is round. So what goes around, eventually comes back around. So you gotta step back and let the new things happen. Then the old will come back. I realized, the younger generation is actually loving everything that we’ve done and they look up to us. I can honestly say, I was a new breed coming in. When you had your Michael Jackson,’s and Commodores and Whitney Houston’s and all of them. So I’m sitting here like when it comes back around, they’re going to appreciate it. Like wow that’s Tasha Scott I appreciate her because I looked up to her and dadada. I’m getting that now from alot of different people. Like you made me go after my dreams, and I’m like wow I did. So you know, I’m not knocking the new stuff because it’s poppin and I’m not knocking it at all, you know! How did you hook up with Ray J and the KnockOut crew?
Tasha Scott: Man, I’ve been knowing Ray since he was like a baby. So it was really just all family love. Just sitting around like him saying Tasha Scott do you know who you are? Can’t nobody do what you can do, you’re Tasha Scott! What do you wanna do. I’m like it’s whatever, whenever my season is I’m ready to jump back out there. Ray was like I got you, because you Tasha Scott (laughs)! So I asked him what he was saying and he was like this is “KnockOut” all day! You “KO,” the first lady of “KnockOut,” so I’m like alright cool, I’ll roll with it (laughs). When can fans finally expect an album from you?
Tasha Scott: Next year 2010, like summer. We working on some things right now. Like I said I’m going to be out on the road, so alot of my stuff is going to have to be sent to me. Then I’m going to have to find a studio, record it, send it back. So all that good stuff. But most likely I’ll just be doing some features between now and then. Like with Ray, Shorty Mack and Truth. I’m trying to get something with B Rocka (Brandy). She’s feeling it, She’s like let’s do it, you Tasha Scott! Ha, I’m like okay girl, let’s just get this stuff done (laughs). I love her though, you gotta love her. You gotta love The Norwoods! No doubt! Have you started or have any idea who you will be working with as far as production and guest appearances on the album?
Tasha Scott: I haven’t really started, started. I just been doing alot of listening, because like I said. I haven’t really heard that sound, that I’m looking for. Right now, it’s too bubble gum for me (laughs). I’m on my grown and sexy thing, so when I hear that, I’m going to be like yeah that’s it. So I’m looking to work with someone like Jamie Foxx, Joe, I’m like bring me those guys. Not oppose to working with Keri Hilson, I’ll do something with Ciara you know. I’ll definitely do something with Beyonce.’ I’m down, it’s all love. Who are some recording artists and actors you admire?
Tasha Scott: Wow, I definitely look up to Ne-Yo, he’s awesome. Jamie Foxx, Beyonce, Brandy has mad skills on all her backgrounds, she is amazing! Like actors and actresses. I gotta go old school. Like Denzel Washington, it’s alot because so many are good. Like Halle Berry, come on she’s great! I even appreciate the actors who are singers/rappers. They’re really good, who would of known LL could do rap and act as well as he does? You know what’s so great about me. I love the fact that I was actually introduced to acting and I was able to do acting, singing and dancing together. So it’s not like anybody can say well she’s not a great actor, but she can sing, or she’s trying to do this or whatever, you know. You’ve seen me do it all because I was able to incorporate it all. And I like that, it was the road I took and people were able to see me in that light. What would be your dream role?
Tasha Scott: Whew, I got two! My first is I wanna do an action packed movie. Like in a speeding car, blowing up.. stunt double jumps out (laughs). Something like Miss Rambo, tats on my face and arms and stuff. This is funny, this is what I do. I do the Wonder Woman pose, I stand with my baby in the mirror and say do I have the body for it (laughs)? Heck yeah I do (laughs). Then of course, I wanna do a romantic love scene. They can incorporate them both in one movie, yeah (laughs). Any last words for your fans?
Tasha Scott: Keep your head up! Follow, follow, follow your dreams. Don’t ever let anybody tell you, you can’t do it. First you have to believe in yourself and believe in what you’re about. I always say if you believe you can be the greatest janitor do that, if you believe you can be the greatest astronaut, do that. It can be singing, dancing, acting, cooking a prime peace of rib, or whatever. If you believe in yourself, the only person that is going to make it manifest is you. Through Christ, so go for your dreams and don’t ever let anybody tell you, you can’t do it!
For More on Tasha, Visit Her Official MySpace!
Tasha the coolest chick on the Planet!!! I loved doing this interview!
the truth about how she got started was because of her mother brngng her to calif. and she gtogt the agtent and was managtngng her career for years