TVUB Preview

UB Preview: Tonight’s All New ‘Grosse Pointe Garden Society’

Tonight Sunday, March 2nd, at 10/9c on NBC.

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A new episode of “Grosse Pointe Garden Society” premieres tonight Sunday, March 2nd, at 10/9c on NBC and streaming on Peacock.

UB has a Preview of tonight‘s episode!

In the episode entitled “Pests;” Birdie grows more invested in her scholarship recipient, Ford.

Alice investigates her dog’s murder, while Catherine wrestles with coming clean about her affair.

Brett butts heads with his ex-wife and in flash-forwards, Birdie seeks help covering up the body.

When four members of a garden club get entangled in a scandalous murder, they’re forced to bury the body – in their own well-manicured flower beds.

As we’ve stated before, the show is a winner! A new exciting ride, viewers are going to be tuned into week after week!

A series taking place in present day as well as the future. With clever displays of the era on the screen with each change.

In this juicy new drama from the creators of “Good Girls,” everyone’s got dirt… but some secrets never stay buried.

Starring; Aja Naomi King as Catherine, Ben Rappaport as Brett, AnnaSophia Robb as Alice, Alexander Hodge as Doug, Melissa Fumero as Birdie, Nancy Travis as Patty, and Felix Wolfe as Ford.

Check Out The UB Preview!

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