Apple TV+ has unveiled a first look at “The Big Cigar,” the highly anticipated limited drama series that chronicles the story of Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton’s escape to Cuba, and is based on the monumental, eponymous magazine article of the same name.
“The Big Cigar” makes its global debut on May 17th with the first two episodes, followed by new episodes every Friday through June 14th. Legendary, award-winning actor, producer and director Don Cheadle serves as director and executive producer on the first two episodes.
Based on the magazine article by Joshuah Bearman, who will also serve as executive producer, “The Big Cigar” is the incredible true story of Hollywood revolution meeting social revolution: it’s a wild caper of Black Panther founder Huey Newton escaping from the FBI to Cuba with the assistance of famed producer Bert Schneider in an impossibly elaborate plan – involving a fake movie production — that goes wrong every way it possibly can. And somehow, it’s all true. Mostly.
André Holland leads a renowned ensemble cast including Alessandro Nivola, Tiffany Boone, PJ Byrne, Marc Menchaca, Moses Ingram, Rebecca Dalton, Olli Haaskivi, Jordane Christie, and Glynn Turman.