The new engaging talk show “Crowned” premiered this week, hosted by Vivica A. Fox, Syleena Johnson, Kendra G. and Chanel Nicole Scott.
The women offer a girls night out conversation centered around valid personal experiences that will speak to both women and men with unfiltered points of views to straighten each other’s crowns!
As an added treat, each episode of “Crowned” ends with a musical performance.
The show is the first original series of new streaming platform, “In The Black Network.” A streaming service that highlights Black voices and original stories that are culturally significant and relatable for all audiences.
In the first episode entitled “Black, Single & Successful,” The ladies engage in a in depth conversation about the challenges and freedoms associated with being a single, black career focused woman.
New episodes of “Crowned” drop every Monday at 12 AM (ET) on “In The Black Network,” with all episodes available to stream on the AVOD platform.
Check Out The “Crowned” Explosive Teaser Preview!