New Music: Lyfe Jennings “Statistics”

Single Black women have been recieving a lot of attention in the media as of late, and Lyfe Jennings has taken notice. In his new single “Statistics“, he lends his honest dating advice to these women, while breaking down the “statistics” of single Black men. This is definitely a brow raising song and a must listen!
Check out some of the lyrics:
25% of all men are unstable
25% of all men can’t be faithful
30% of them don’t mean what they say
and 10% of them in maybe 20 is gay
That leaves you a 10% chance of ever finding your man
That means you never paid attention to these words that I said
I’m gonna teach you how expose the 90%
and show you what to do to keep the other 10.
Lyfe’s new album “I Still Believe” coming this summer!
New Music: Lyfe Jennings “Statistics” https://urbanbridgez.com/ubgblog/2010/05/…
NEW @Lyfeonline419: https://urbanbridgez.com/ubgblog/2010/05/…
RT @UrbanBridgez: NEW @Lyfeonline419: https://urbanbridgez.com/ubgblog/2010/05/…
you just exposed us men
well, i have sympathy for women, it’s true that every female should at least know the general facts of us
but still it takes a heart to know the real person
and every man should always realize how important a woman in his life unlike to what happen to Russell Brand’s character in “Get Him to the Greek” where he thought everything ended and he had lost hope.. but he was wrong
I think lyfe’s time has been up for a while (has he put anything out since phoenix?) he needs to reinvent himself in some way, look at a mogul like puff who always reinvents himself. See that new get him to the greek
Stephen I don’t think Lyfe exposed men, I just think he brought light to some subjects that alot of us try to ignore. I just really love how he put it together in a song.