Today, BET announced the television debut of its original film OPEN, a romantic drama that showcases the alternative perspective of open relationships. The film stars Essence Atkins (Smart Guy; Deliver Us from Eva), Keith Robinson (Dream Girls; This Christmas), Jasmine Guy (A Different World; Harlem Nights; The Quad) and Matt Cedeno (Power; Blood, Sweat and Lies; Z Nation). The OPEN premiere will simulcast on BET and BET HER, Saturday, March 14 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.
Cameron and Wren have been married for ten years, however, the last three years of their matrimony have been open to polyamorous relationships. They set rules as boundaries to ensure a healthy open relationship, but they quickly learn that rules applied to the art of emotion can often be broken. Looking through the lens of polyamory, OPEN teaches viewers the full scope of these oftentimes taboo relationships.
OPEN is written and directed by Cas Sigers-Beedles; produced by Essence Atkins, Melissa Young, and Kirk Frasier. Serving as executive producers are Terri J. Vaughn and Cas Sigers-Beedles (for Nina Holiday Entertainment), Richelle Cross (for Class & Sass Promotions) and Roger Bobb.