Wu-Tang: An American Saga is the upcoming drama series created and written by Alex Tse (SuperFly) and Wu-Tang Clan front man The RZA, will be 10-episodes on Hulu. Premiering on September 4th, 2019.
Wu-Tang: An American Saga is inspired by “The Wu-Tang Manual” and “Tao of Wu”, and based on the true story of the Wu-Tang Clan. Set in early ’90s New York at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic, the show tracks the Clan’s formation, a vision of Bobby Diggs aka The RZA, who strives to unite a dozen young, black men that are torn between music and crime but eventually rise to become the unlikeliest of American success stories.
The Wu-Tang Clan has released five gold and platinum albums, selling 40 million albums worldwide. The group is often hailed as one of the most influential groups in the history of hip-hop with a unique sound and distinct image.
Cast: Shameik Moore (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, The Get Down), Ashton Sanders (Moonlight), Erika Alexander (Get Out, Black Lightning, Insecure), Julian Elijah Martinez (Elementary), Siddiq Sanderson (Messiah), Marcus Callender (Power), Zolee Griggs (Ballers), Vinnie Pastore (The Sopranos), Dave East (Beats), Joey Bada$$
Created and Written by: The RZA, Alex Tse (Superfly)
Executive Producers: The RZA, Method Man
Consulting Producers: Ghostface Killa, Inspectah Deck, Masta Killa, GZA and the Estate of Ol’ Dirty Bastard