Trailer: John Legends ‘United Skates’ Premieres on HBO February 18th | Salt-N-Pepa, Queen Latifah + More

John Legend’s upcoming documentary, United Skates will debut on February 18, 2019, exclusively on HBO. This intimate look at the underground African-American Sub-culture of roller skating will feature interviews with Salt-N-Pepa, Coolio, Queen Latifah, Naughty By Nature’s Vin Rock And World Class Wreckin’ Cru.
As Executive Producer, Legend tells the story of America‘s last standing roller rinks and their impeding threat of closure. Thousands battle in a racially charged environment to save this tradition that has remained undiscovered by the mainstream for generations, while giving rise to some of the world’s greatest musical talent!
As America’s last standing roller rinks are threatened with closure, a community joins forces in a racially charged environment to save the underground African-American subculture of roller skating, which has been overlooked by the mainstream for generations – yet has given rise to some of the world’s greatest musical talents.
For years, roller-skating rinks have been a constant for African-American communities across the U.S., serving as a meeting ground, a place to have fun and an incubator of iconic hip-hop talents like Queen Latifah and N.W.A.
UNITED SKATES spotlights three skaters fighting for their community: LA native Phelicia, a single mom who grew up in skates and hopes to keep skating alive for her children; North Carolinian Reggie, who lives hours from any rink that offers a night for black skaters and vows to launch his own; and Buddy Love, the owner of Chicago-based Rich City Skate, who struggles to keep his rink open, despite financial pressure.
Stay tuned for The UB Review!