This original film is based on the story on of 90s R&B quartet Xscape, whose story of their rise to fame and group implosion was told on an episode of TV One’s award-winning docu-series, Unsung.
Comprised of sisters LaTocha and Tamika Scott, and classmates Kandi Burruss and Tameka “Tiny” Cottle, the R&B quartet formed a sisterhood as strong as their sound, recording the #1 hits “Just Kickin’ It,” “Understanding” and “Who Can I Run To?”
Since their breakup in 1998, attempts to reunite the group have failed with lingering bitterness and deep seeded anger playing out on public forums.
The film is being produced in partnership with legendary music producer and So So Def founder Jermaine Dupri, the label that produced Xscape’s three platinum albums.
The premiere of the movie hasn’t been confirmed but it will be the 4th quarter of 2017 or the first quarter of 2018.