‘Tyler Perry’s Ruthless’ Mid-Season Return to BET+

“Tyler Perry’s Ruthless” returned earlier this year with its second season, picking up right where it left off.
The midseason return of “Tyler Perry’s Ruthless,” premiered Thursday, November 25th on BET+. As the season continues, many of the faithful followers have begun to uncover the evil that exists beneath the surface of the Rakudushis movement.
Armed with this knowledge, Ruth and several new fearful cult members try to take control of their individual destinies. The attempts will prove to be almost impossible for anyone who does not have allies they think they can trust. Viewers will see more sex, lies, and murder in this cult that is living up to its fate.
The adage ‘beware false prophets’ has never reigned more true. “Tyler Perry’s Ruthless” stars Melissa L. Williams, Matt Cedeño, Lenny D. Thomas, Yvonne Senat Jones, Baadja-Lyne Odums, Jaime Callica, Nirine S. Brown, Blue Kimble, Stephanie Charles, Hervé Clermont, Anthony Bless, and Bobbi Baker. New cast members include Stevie Baggs, Jr., Colin McCalla, Samantha L. Thomas, Michelle Nunez, Alise Willis, and Jael Pettigrew.
New episodes launch every Thursday on BET+.
“Tyler Perry’s Ruthless” tells the riveting story of a woman named Ruth, who kidnaps her young daughter to join the dark underworld of a fanatical religious cult.
In other unfortunate Ruthless news, Rhonda Stubbins White who played one of the elder mother’s, Agnes. Passed away at age 60 on December 6th, of cancer. Our prayers are with her family.
Season three of “Tyler Perry’s Ruthless” has already finished filming at Tyler Perry Studios. Expected to launch on BET+ next Spring.
UB talked to Melissa L Williams, Yvonne Senat Jones, Matt Cedeño, Lenny Thomas, Baadja-Lyne Odums & Blue Kmble about Season 2, Working during a Pandemic and working with the amazing Tyler Perry.
“Tyler Perry’s Ruthless” | Every Thursday On BET+