Eric Roberson Releases Impromptu Album ‘Here To Here’

We are facing an unprecedented time. While challenging, it is also the perfect time to create. Eric Roberson, the King of Independent Soul and R&B, is ready to make his mark in this moment.
In 4 weeks, Roberson crafted Hear from Here, an impromptu, 10-song feel good album, crafted to fill the ears, minds and souls of his everlasting fan-base. This time of solitude from the world afforded Roberson the opportunity to immerse himself in his creative process and create a powerful album. Roberson describes Hear from Here as an “act of service” to his devoted fans.
UB spoke with Eric Roberson in support of “Mr. Nice Guy,” and we asked him at the time who are some artists he would like to work with if given the chance? We recently loss the amazing Bill Withers and that’s who was at the top of Eric‘s list;
“You know one of my heroes is Bill Withers, he’s the older singer who actually retired some years ago. He actually started doing music again recently and I just totally related to him a great deal. He started in the business somewhat later in life and at the same time he had his family and dealing with the frustrations of the industry he said you know what, I’m just going to raise my kids.”
Eric went on to say; “I always thought that was really really dope of him. That he went out on top, whether his record sales were failing or not and he had a unique approach to making music, so he’s at the top of my list.”
Hear from Here opens with “Road to Recovery”, an up-tempo jam where Roberson lays it on the line. This spontaneous project brings out a new side of Roberson, displaying his rapping skills on tracks like “Road to Recovery” and “Omaha”.
The project closes out with its solo feature song, “Shining”, featuring fellow United Tenors member, Brian Courtney Wilson. Hear from Here changes the perception of our current times, taking you on a joyful journey spreading hope, love and inspiration.
Roberson hopes that as fans listen to this album, they are inspired to dance, love and make the best of NOW!